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Dental Implants

Cosmetic Dentistry & Family Dentists located in Hamilton, NJ

Dental Implants

Dental implants can restore your smile if you’ve lost permanent teeth due to trauma, extractions, or other oral health issues. At Belmont Dental in Hamilton, New Jersey, the team of family and cosmetic dentists specializes in placing and restoring dental implants. Dental implants support crowns, bridges, or implant-anchored dentures and last for decades. Call Belmont Dental today to schedule a dental implant consultation, or book your appointment online.

Dental Implants Q & A

How are dental implants different from dentures?

Dental implants and dentures both replace missing permanent teeth, but they aren’t the same things.


Dentures are removable appliances that replace your teeth and some of the surrounding tissue. They rest on top of your gums and are held in place with denture glue. 

Dental implants

Dental implants are small titanium posts inserted into your empty tooth sockets. After surgery, the posts integrate with your bone, providing a foundation for dental restorations like crowns or bridges.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants offer various benefits, including:

  • Easier biting and chewing
  • Clearer speech
  • Confidence
  • Durability
  • Improved oral health

Dental implants are more convenient than dentures. You brush them like your teeth instead of soaking them overnight in a cleaning solution.

Can anyone get dental implants?

You need to have good oral health to get dental implants. If your Belmont Dental provider identifies a condition like gum disease or low bone volume, they treat those issues first. After your mouth heals, the team moves forward with the implant placement procedure.

What’s the process for getting dental implants?

At Belmont Dental, getting dental implants takes several visits over the course of a year.

Implant surgery

Your dentist administers a local anesthetic and inserts the dental implants into your empty tooth sockets. After surgery, they write you a prescription for pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection. The titanium posts (implants) integrate with your bone while your mouth heals.

Implant restorations

You return to Belmont Dental when the integration process is finished. The Belmont Dental team takes digital impressions of your mouth and sends them to a dental lab.

Designers at the lab use your impressions to create custom implant restorations. When your restorations are ready, you visit Belmont Dental for the last time.

Your provider connects the restorations to your implants and checks your bite. Then, they polish your teeth and explain how to keep the restorations in optimal condition.

How do I care for dental implants?

Take care of your dental implants by practicing optimal oral hygiene. Visit Belmont Dental every six months for a check up, brush your teeth twice daily, and don’t chew on ice cubes or other hard objects. 

Call Belmont Dental today to learn more about dental implants, or schedule your appointment online.